Living Learning Communities

A living learning community is a program to connect students living in the residence halls to other students who have similar academic interestes. These communities are created to connect students living in the residence halls by focusing on similar academic and extra curricular interests. This group of students will live near each other and have shared experiences that focus on benefitting their academic, social, personal and career goals.

Why Join?

  • Living learning communities boosts individuals chances of academic success
  • Opportunities to get to know professors and classmates better because of dedicated time with aviation faculty, staff and students
  • Purposeful activities that foster lasting relationships and broaden the learning experience
  • Out-of-class experiences which are infused into your living environment and also reinforces classroom learning
Two Pro Pilot Students in the Pro Pilot Learning Living Community

As a Professional Pilot, this Living Learning Community gives the opportunity to connect with fellow pilots.

Students in Earhart Hall studying

As a first-generation student, Generation One Living Learning Community is a place where you can share the unique triumphs and challenges of navigating college life with your first-generation peers.